A Desolate Desert
I sat down at my computer desk, knowing God wanted me to write, but not knowing exactly what. I opened my Bible to Isaiah 35. I've taught and preached and written book chapters on this passage for many years, but God suddenly opened my eyes to an application that's so needed today. In a nutshell, here's what God was speaking to me.
Verses 1 and 2 of Isaiah 35 talk about the wilderness and the desert blossoming like a rose, etc., and verses 5-7 talk about the miracles that will occur when we obey the commands of verses 3 and 4. These two verses command us to encourage one another, especially the weak and fearful, which we often do through anointed and love-filled prophetic ministry. I've taught that for decades. My focus has been on how true biblical prophecy precedes the miracles throughout Scripture. And, yes, I still believe that with all my heart.
In these turbulent days, weeks and months, my focus has been on our pressing need to stand in unity against the ferocious and demonic political and cultural storms we've been going through. We know that our enemy is trying to break us down so that he can take over our culture completely and usher in his agenda. Yes, God is calling His people, His remnant, His Ekklesia, together as the one army of God, ready to fight His battles to help save our nation and the nations of our world.
In this passage what I see now is that both as individuals and as a society as a whole, we have been living in a spiritual wilderness – a desolate desert. But here's the hot-off-the-press, fresh revelation that I'm hearing for the Church of the living God!
"I Am Turning Your Wilderness Into a Garden"
"I am about to turn your wilderness into the Garden of the Lord, with both beauty and great fruitfulness. I will reattach every thirsty branch to the Vine. I will surely allow My Spirit to flow into you and through you. YOU WILL BEAR MUCH FRUIT!
"It will be the natural result of being attached to My Heart, where you can feel the rhythm of My heartbeat. The fruit will feed the hungry souls around you. It will all feel so natural, and you won't feel proud and eager to draw people to yourself, because you will know that you were just the vessel that I flowed through.
"I am about to reveal Myself to the world until 'the knowledge of the glory of the Lord covers the earth, as the waters cover the sea.' I am going to do unprecedented miracles, especially in places that have not known My name or My power.
"I Have Chosen You"
"Don't put Me in a box! Don't say it can't be done! Have I not declared that I would do a new thing, and that it would suddenly spring forth? Therefore, search My Word, and ask Me to do again what I have done before, and then to do even more than that, because I promised this to My disciples, before they became apostles (John 14:12).
"Now, I ask you, are you are not also My disciples? For I desire to also send you, as I sent My chosen ones before I returned to My Father in Heaven. They turned the spiritual desert of Jerusalem into a spiritually beautiful garden, where My name was exalted and My Ekklesia prospered, even under the persecution of religious rulers. But, like them, you will have no fear, for My perfect love will surely cast away all fear from your hearts, and you will truly blossom like a beautiful rose in My glorious garden.
"You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. Simply rejoice in what I have done for you and allow Me to graft you deep into My heart. I will use you, and I will save America and use her to nurture and nourish My Bride around the world. I love you!"