Books by Ben Peters

Grandpa, what does Pentecost mean?
Brand new release from Ben!
Grandparents have always had an important role to play in the lives of their grandkids. God told Moses that Israel should tell the story of the giving of the Ten Commandments to their children and their children’s children. (Deuteronomy 4:9-12)
This book is one little act of obedience and was inspired by a thought, which was planted by the Holy Spirit, in my mind. The next day the writing began. The book was written in a child’s vocabulary as much as possible and gives parents and grandparents an easy way to teach God’s Word to their most valuable possessions.
Adults will also discover new and exciting insights regarding a subject that has not been well-addressed in church circles. Let’s rediscover and celebrate the awesome Feast of Pentecost together. Order Here

Full Spectrum Love
Recent release from Ben!
Your Powerful Key to Abundant Life and True Joy! Full Spectrum Love reveals the amazing expanse of God’s love and to what lengths He went to, to demonstrate that love. In response, He is asking us all the question: Will you be My Valentine? Order Here

Christmas Future
2023 release from Ben!
Was Christmas Past Prophetic of a Christmas Future? Will angels appear again to shepherds? Will wise men seek to encounter Jesus again? Be prepared for some surprises as Ben R. Peters predicts an amazing Christmas Future event to lead up to the Really Really Big Event. Order Here

The Glorious Return of King Jesus
2023 release from Ben!
Is there biblical evidence for a rapture? Is “Left Behind” an actual scriptural concept? Did God give us a type and shadow of His second coming in His Holy Word? This concise and easy-to-read investigation leaves little doubt what the answers to these and other questions are. You will love this unique journey! Order Here

A Mandate to Laugh
In this book you will learn about the demonic power that possessed Sennacherib and how it is influencing our society and political powers today. The clear and sinister purpose of the Sennacherib spirit is to control all people and nations for personal glory, power and profit. Yet, there is still hope — God is not finished with the world! Order Here

Birthing the Book Within You
Writing and publishing your own book has never been easier, thanks to computer and digital printing technology. Ben Peters has been down this road many times, and now in this book, he shows how you can do it, too. With spiritual insight and inspiration, he offers many practical tips to help you give birth to the book within you. Order Here

The Boaz Blessing
The Boaz Blessing will give you courage as you dare to believe for the favor of God for yourself, for the people you love, and for the people who need to understand the mercy of their heavenly Father. Order Here

Catching Up to the Third World
Catching Up to the Third World reveals how God is provoking the Western Church to godly jealousy, to produce a powerful revival in the "First World" nations, so that the resources of the West can be most effectively utilized in the coming global harvest. Order Here

Cinco Ministerios En Un Poderoso Equipo
Este libro da a la iglesia una visión de lo que podemos lograr cuando capacitamos a cada ministerio para hacer lo que mejor puede hacer como parte del equipo ministerial que Dios ha dado a la iglesia. Order Here

Faith on Fire
Most Christians wonder why they don’t see greater results from their prayers. In Faith on Fire, Ben R. Peters addresses these questions and identifies the structures of unbelief that may be keeping you in fear, doubt and insecurity. Order Here

Finding Your Place on Your Kingdom Mountain
In Finding Your Place on Your Kingdom Mountain, he gives you practical help to discover on which of the "Seven Mountains" of society God wants you to display the rule and reign of His kingdom. Order Here

Folding Five Ministries Into One Powerful Team
This book gives the Church a vision for what can be accomplished when we empower each ministry to do what it can do best as part of the ministry team that God has given to the Church. Order Here

God is So God!: The Adventures of a Traveling Ministry on a Prophetic Faith Journey
Brenda Peters knows what it's like to launch out on a faith journey with only an RV for her home, and this book, filled with her road adventures in a full-time traveling ministry, reveals the awesome power of God to intervene in every aspect of life. This is a unique book, full of faith stories and prophetic adventures that will touch your heart. Order Here

God's Favorite Number: The Secret Keys and Awesome Power of True Unity
Does God have a favorite number? Yes, He does — so much so that you'll find it 1,969 times in Scripture. It's a number that relates to unity. Order Here

Go Ahead, Be So Emotional
It's time for all of God's emotionally expressive people to rise up and fulfill their destiny. In this book you will learn how to let the anointing of God come upon you as you use your emotional personality to take more territory for His kingdom. Order Here

Holy How?
Enjoy the Privilege of Being Holy to the Lord! Believer, you are chosen to be special and unique and filled with the very nature of God, through your intimate relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Order Here

Holy Passion
God is a God of passion and He is looking for a people with passion! Order Here

Humility and How I Almost Achieved it
UNCOVER A HIGHLY UNDERVALUED KEY TO LASTING SUCCESS AND KINGDOM POWER! You will learn the greatest shortcut to true humility, plus some practical ways to stay humble about being humble. Order Here

The Kingdom-Building Church: Experiencing the Explosive Potential of the Church in Kingdom-Building Mode
Come with Ben and explore what the heart of God cries out for, and what the plans of God are for His church and what He can do when we allow Him to put us in Kingdom-building mode. Order Here

Kings and Kingdoms
In Kings and Kingdoms, Ben Peters explores what it means to be a king under the authority of Jesus Christ and how you can truly “seek first the Kingdom of God” by fulfilling your role as king over the domain God has given you. Order Here

The Marriage Anointing
Meet marriage challenges head on! There is no power from Hell that can defeat two people who have learned to listen to God’s voice and invite Him to bless them with everything He wants to bestow on them. This book shows you how, with the “double-barreled” approach of the Fruit and Gifts of the Holy Spirit, your marriage can become a huge source of fulfillment for both partners and together become an awesome ministry team. Order Here

Prophetic Ministry: Strategic Key to the Harvest
Ben Peters knows from first-hand experience the value and effectiveness of prophetic ministry as an evangelistic tool. Along with his wife Brenda, he has been doing prophetic ministry since 1999 and has seen countless salvations, healings and miracles as a result. Order Here

Resurrection: A Manual for Raising the Dead
Let’s Raise the Dead! Raising the dead is not for super-Christians, but is in the DNA of every believer. Order Here

The Ultimate Convergence: An End Times Prophecy of the Greatest Shock and Awe Display Ever to Hit Planet Earth
Convergence has been a hot buzz-word in Kingdom streams for the past few years. Ben Peters believes that God is preparing for the greatest convergence of natural and spiritual elements of all time, in preparation for His great harvest and the coming back to earth of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. Order Here

Veggie Village and the Great & Dangerous Jungle: An Allegory
When church becomes more of a religion than a relationship, it can seem like just eating our vegetables. We are told to do good things like read our Bibles, pray and go to church because they are good for us — and they are. However, God wants to win the lost, and it is often not easy to get others to come and eat with us if we offer only vegetables. Order Here

With Me
With Me takes you on an incredible journey of discovery about the Lord Jesus, as it uncovers a refreshing new revelation from the most famous Psalm in Scripture. Order Here