Greetings Friends,

God gave me a significant word for this Christmas and coming year.  I would love to get your response.

Here it is:


While the enemy of our souls uses his brainwashed and evil spirit-controlled captives to terrorize and to take away our freedoms, our peace of mind, and even our very lives, our ultimate gift-giving Father is using His renewed-minded, spirit-filled lovers of Jesus to bring comfort and to give freedom, the peace of God and eternal life to desperate souls everywhere.  The way that our Father in Heaven is able to accomplish this is through His incredible gift-giving generosity to His servants on earth, not just at Christmas, but all year long.

God began to download His heart concerning spiritual gifts and ministries in a very clear and strong way in the past two or three years.  It started when Brenda and I were ministering to an apostolic training center in Washington State.  There were several pastors attending and a strong anointing was flowing as we spoke and prophesied over them.  Then the Lord gave me a clear and instructive word for them all.  It went something like this:


It’s time to take a look at your team and make sure you don’t have any major weaknesses that the enemy can exploit.  Use the football analogy and see if you have a strong defensive line and backfield, as well as the offensive line, wisdom-filled quarterbacks and gifted ball carriers and receivers.  These positions can only be filled by those who have received and developed their spiritual gifts and ministries. 

The important point the Holy Spirit was making was that we need every single gift and gift-ministry properly functioning on our ministry teams, or the enemy will continue to mess with us and defeat us in our battles against him.  The positions on a football team can be easily compared with the five-fold ministry gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4, and their use of the spiritual gifts listed in Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12-14.  God was using American football as an object lesson that most of us could understand.  For more information, read Folding Five Ministries Into One Powerful Team.

Here are the gifts mentioned in I Corinthians 12:

“For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit.  To another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit.  To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues.” (I Corinthians 12:8-10)

At that point, the Lord clearly highlighted the gift of discerning of spirits.  There had been very little focus on this gift, but the need for it was extremely obvious.  Church ministry teams everywhere had suffered incredibly from the enemy’s attacks.  These attacks were successful to such a large degree because nobody was discerning the enemy’s diabolical influence and subtle methods of warfare.  I began preaching and teaching the body of Christ everywhere I could, challenging people to ask God to increase this gift in its purest form in every ministry team to prevent the enemy from taking away what God had given.  Satan still comes to steal, kill and destroy.  His favorite target is your ministry team.  If he can bring misunderstanding, strife, selfish ambition and jealousy in your ministry team, he can steal, kill and destroy the effectiveness of your ministry or church.  Tragically, we’ve seen this scenario repeated over and over and over again.


Late last year well before Christmas 2014, I heard the Lord say that He wanted to give His people an increase in the gift of faith.  I shared this with as many as possible, both in writing and speaking as well as with impartation of laying on of hands.  I believe God said He was giving an increase in the gift of faith so people would walk through the doors that He was opening for them.  They would need faith, because they were going where they had never gone before, and were leaving their comfort zones behind them.  To enter a new place, you have to leave the old behind.


I actually wasn’t expecting God to highlight another gift for this Christmas and the New Year, but while I was ministering to someone on the telephone, the words flew out of my mouth and I knew it was a word for the body of Christ.  The Holy Spirit is going to especially empower people with gifts of healings (I Corinthians 12: 9). 

As I have meditated on this word, I can see the divine logic in this order.  First, we need to discern spirits, so we don’t allow false gifts to operate and deceive the church.  Next we need a stronger gift of faith, not only to walk through new doors, but to help us believe for the healings we are called to release through the power of the Holy Spirit. 



The need for a greater healing anointing should be very obvious.  Churches are not only filled with people who are physically sick, but the majority of Christians are just beginning to become aware of the need for emotional healing, in order for them to function to their full potential.  Without the healing of their soul, they have real openings for the enemy to cause more pain to themselves and to others. 

Without that healing, we can never have real deep unity, which we desperately need in order to bring in God’s great harvest.  Unhealed emotional pain prevents us from seeing others through God’s loving eyes, because past pain invites the constant fear that the pain will be repeated again.  Fear causes defense mechanisms to be set up and opens the door for contention, anger and bitterness.

God certainly wants us healed physically, but His priority is the healing of our soul and spirit.  Our priorities are usually the physical healing, because we can bury the emotional pain easier than we can the physical pain or disability.  But God will always prioritize the eternal over the temporal.


There is no doubt that God wants His people healthy in every way.  He loves us and does not wish pain upon us.  But God knows this life is short and eternity is forever.  Thus, there is no doubt that He is more concerned with the spiritual health of every person in the world that He created, than with their physical health.

The great and wonderful news is that the gifts (plural) of healing not only bless people with a better quality of life on earth, but God loves to use these gifts to transform the hearts and souls of men and connect them with the eternal source of Life Himself.  This is an overwhelmingly wonderful truth that should touch our hearts with deep gratitude to God.  He really does want us to have a full and joyful experience in this life and He also wants us to help others to experience it both here and in Heaven.

God is giving us His amazing spiritual gifts to use for both purposes, but the greatest blessing is that we can use these gifts to reveal God’s love and transform the hearts of people to give them eternal life.  Healing bodies is one of God’s preferred ways to reveal His love to the lost, and I believe He is asking us, “Do you want this gift?”

I’ve seen how this gift works in powerful ways to bring the lost to Christ.  I’ve seen it in Canada, Argentina, India, Africa, South Korea and America.  I’ve seen it under the ministry of other men and women of God as well as our own ministry.  A number of years ago, I did extensive research in Scripture and church history and discovered that over 90% of conversions have resulted from supernatural occurrences, of which most of them were physical healings.  At that time, I wrote the book entitled, Signs and Wonders – To Seek or Not to Seek.  It clearly reveals the power of miracles to bring people to faith in God. 


I believe God wants me to challenge people all over the world at this season – the season in which we remember the greatest gift ever given to the human race – the gift of a Savior, Jesus Christ, who was born in a humble stable, but has been highly exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords.

God is speaking to me that He is now inviting us to join His medical team.  He is preparing to send us out to do clinics, house calls and stadium healing events.  He will empower us as individuals, but even more powerfully when we form divinely orchestrated medical teams who will carry the various gifts of healings.  These gifts include pretty much every other spiritual gift God has given us. 

Sometimes words of knowledge and/or words of wisdom are released to bring healing.  The gift of faith is, of course, a very frequent contributor to the healing ministry.  Many times the healing comes through the gift of miracles.  Other times, a prophetic word can open the mind and heart to the fact that God knows and cares.  As Jesus demonstrated, the gift of discerning of spirits can also be frequently used to bring the miracle healing.  Tongues and interpretation of tongues can also be used like prophecy, so we can see why Paul wrote it was the “gifts of healings.”

Do you want to join God’s medical team?  Are you willing to leave your comfort zone and take up the Heavenly challenge to do house calls, clinics and/or stadium healing events?  If so, here are some practical ideas to prepare.

  1. Educate yourself in the realm of healing.  The Bible is your chief textbook.  Read about the healings in the Old and New Testament.  Then read stories of more recent revivals and healing ministries.  Grow your faith in prayer and worship and deeper intimacy with Jesus.  Attend healing services and listen to the teachings offered live or on electronic media.   Learn about all the gifts, especially those you are the strongest in.  
  2. Take the first steps as God opens doors for you.  Pray for everyone you can.  Learn about spiritual treasure hunts – asking God for words of knowledge about people He wants you to minister to.
  3. Join a ministry team in your church or ministry or neighborhood.  Practice develops your gifts.
  4. Give God all the glory and stay humble when you see people healed.

It’s time to get excited about the opportunities God is opening up to us.  We have been given the ability to give the gift of hope to people living in fear and anxiety over the threat of radical terrorists, who want to destroy us.  Instead, we have the supernatural power of God given through His Spirit-empowered gifts, with which we can expose and defeat every attack of our enemy.  It’s the church’s privilege and the church’s responsibility.  Will be take up the challenge, or will we cringe in fear?  It’s time to embrace our destiny and God’s amazing adventures prepared for us, His beloved children.  Shalom!!!

Ben & Brenda

P.O. Box 25, Genoa, IL 60135