I don’t believe I’ve ever seen such a thick ground cover of fallen leaves as I’ve seen in recent days in north central California. The stormy winds and rain, from what they called a bomb cyclone, have brought the colorful autumn leaves down in massive numbers. I believe that God is reaffirming that many, many leaders that seemed so secure in their high and lofty positions are going to fall to the ground in great numbers because of a monster political and judicial storm that has just begun.
I know that many prophets have been saying similar things for weeks and months, but the Holy Spirit unwrapped a special revelation as I was reading Scripture. I knew He wanted to show me something special and He surely did. After a few minutes meditating on the truths of a previous Psalm, I landed on Psalm 45. It didn’t notice the number of the chapter at first, but God started to highlight some of the verses.
Psalm 45 is a Psalm that is considered by theologians to be a Messianic Psalm, and it certainly is. The NKJV translators of this Psalm have capitalized all the pronouns, indicating they believe the Psalm is all about Jesus. However, I had never paid much attention to the introduction to the Psalm or the information in the first verse. The introduction says it was written by the Sons of Korah, who were worship leaders in the Tabernacle of David. The first verse says, “I recite my composition concerning the King.”
Prophetic Scripture is often clothed in mystery, as to where it stops talking about a living person or a current situation, and when it starts talking about the Messiah or other future people or events. Many times, it’s talking about both at the same time. This song written by the Sons of Korah is like that.
At any rate, I suddenly realized that the primary person being talked about and praised in this psalm is King David. I could see clearly how that would apply, while at the same time it was prophetic of King Jesus. But then I felt the Holy Spirit saying that it was also applicable to a current American leader with the initials DJT. Some prophets had already compared him to David. It was then that I noticed the number of the chapter. It was the number of DJT’s presidency. And just as Isaiah 45 talks about Cyrus, but not every verse applies to DJT, so Psalm 45 talks about King David, but not every verse there applies to Trump either.
A few days after receiving the revelation that Psalm 45 could apply to Donald Trump, I heard the Holy Spirit give me the following revelation: Donald Trump will have two terms. In his first term he was a Cyrus, encouraging God’s people to reclaim their God-given possessions – the biblical foundations of our nation. His second term, he will rule as a David. He will have an intimate relationship with God, defeat all his enemies, and will help usher in a new era of worship of our awesome Father in Heaven.
There are many relevant verses in Psalm 45, and I encourage every reader to study this Psalm, but let me focus on verses 3-5. Here they are:
“Gird Your sword upon Your thigh, O Mighty One, with Your glory and Majesty. And in Your majesty ride prosperously because of truth, humility, and righteousness; And Your right hand shall teach You awesome things. Your arrows are sharp in the heart of the King’s enemies; THE PEOPLES FALL UNDER YOU.”
“GIRD YOUR SWORD UPON YOUR THIGH.” A few weeks ago, a Canadian prophet, Barry Wunsch, spoke on Elijah Streams. His prophetic word was entitled, “DJT - Draw Your Sword!” This Psalm 45 verse confirms his message from Heaven.
“O MIGHTY ONE.” If the Sons of Korah could call David, “O Mighty One,” then I believe we can also apply it to our true president. It’s been a long time since we’ve had a president that was as fearless and powerful as Donald Trump.
“RIDE PROSPEROUSLY.” David was encouraged by this Psalm 45 to ride prosperously. President Trump had an incredibly prosperous ride for three years and he will continue after the current hurdles and obstacles are overcome.
Psalm 45 also talks about truth, humility, and righteousness.
TRUTH: While some would debate whether these traits all apply to DJT, we have observed that he likes to say whatever he thinks rather than being politically correct and saying what people want to hear.
A politician one told me that “It only takes two things to succeed in politics – honesty and integrity. And when you’ve learned to fake those, you’ve got it made.”
HUMILITY: DJT also actually manifests more humility in small groups and individual encounters than other leaders who appear honest and righteous in public appearances. He listens with patience and concern when people talk to him. His
RIGHTEOUSNESS: Furthermore, Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime that promised to “Drain the Swamp.” He also has stood up for freedom of speech for pastors and encouraged us to say, “Merry Christmas!” after progressives had tried to change our greetings to “Happy Holidays!” etc. He has also repeatedly said, “We don’t worship government, we worship God.”
Trump’s right hand has taught him many things. The root meaning of the word for “teach” is Yaw-Raw, which has to do with a flow or the shooting of an arrow. This goes along with the next line, which says,
“YOUR ARROWS ARE SHARP IN THE HEART OF THE KING’S ENEMIES.” There is no doubt DJT’s words have pierced the hearts of those who inhabit the swamp that he is trying to drain.
But it’s the last part of verse 5 that really got my attention.
In the past several weeks, we have seen the popularity of Joe Biden fall from fairly positive to very negative. A very insulting chant was reinterpreted to say, “Let’s go Brandon,” which has become a top ranked rap song. It was followed up by three other songs by the same title, all of which hit the top 10 songs on the popularity charts.
The top-ranked virus pandemic guru, meanwhile, has fallen from a very high and lofty place in the minds of Americans to a position of shame and contempt after some of his heartless lab experiments with Beagle puppies have been publicized. “Arrest Fauci!” was the trending slogan on social media.
A number of left-wing political leaders find their positions are not as secure as they thought. Some are resigning, rather than running again, including a Republican from Illinois, Adam Kinzinger, who voted to impeach DJT. Those who made themselves his enemies are finding his arrows are sharper than they expected. Those he endorses find themselves growing quickly in popularity and favor with the people.
The November 2, 2021, elections in Virginia and New Jersey shocked the nation as more leaders fell from their lofty perches. The New Jersey race was supposed to be a “walk in the park” for the liberal Democrat, but turned out to be a nail-biter. The Virginia race featured the dramatic awakening of parents reacting to the big government mentality of the leftist Democratic Party leaders. It clearly exposed to the whole country that our education system has been taken over by radical atheistic socialists and globalists, who are intentionally indoctrinating our children. This awakening will affect future elections across the nation. It will certainly precipitate the fall from power of many more political leaders.
Part of the devilish, leftist strategy is to distract us from the one thing the left fear the most. It’s not failure to pass their social programs, or bad publicity from disasters like Afghanistan or the southern border. The one thing they fear more than any other thing is the return of the leader who does not fear them and has threatened to drain their swamp. They will do everything in their power to keep him out of the White House. Knowing the nation can’t easily focus its attention on many different issues, they are choosing their poison by allowing all kinds of other crises to keep the media from talking about the fact that there is a huge pile of evidence that our 2020 election was stolen.
However, the seemingly invincible coalition of evil is beginning to unravel, and our enemies have begun to destroy each other. Atheist, Bill Maher, is chastising the left for its nonsensical policies regarding the vaccine mandates. He doesn’t seem to realize that there could be a much more sinister purpose for these mandates. The truth will come out soon.
Truth and freedom seekers and a variety of red-blooded patriots are rising up and taking their stands. It’s a beautiful thing to see. But the most beautiful of all is to connect with the early signs of a spiritual awakening in America and in the rest of the world. This Great Awakening will be the most glorious that the world has ever seen. It is being coordinated with all the crises and conflicts that have caused us to call on God like never before in our lifetimes. It will result in the greatest spiritual harvest ever and will be funded by a miraculous and overwhelming transfer of wealth from the wicked to the righteous.
We’re not talking about years from now. It is here and it has begun. Keep your ears to the wind and your eyes on the skies. Jesus is going to visit this planet by a powerful move of the Holy Spirit, which will prepare the way for the other end time events prophesied in Scripture. It’s in His most capable hands, and He will reveal more when we need to know more. For today, His focus is on the harvest, and we will be blessed to participate in that.
We live in very exciting times. They are very painful times for many, but we will see the body of Christ coming together and helping one another. We will become a powerful force for God to use in this most glorious harvest season. Let’s be alert and ready for action. God will not waste these many crises. He knew what was coming and He is very ready for His response. We’re going to see His glory and the knowledge of that glory will cover the earth, as the waters cover the sea.